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The Only Elise Archer Who Counts: Fuck/Marry/Kill


So, no one’s actually asked, but I thought I’d explain why this meme rubs me up the wrong way.

Fuck - I like the word ‘fuck’. A lot. I use it. A LOT. When intimacy and consent exists, the word ‘fuck’ is also awesome to use in relation to sex and sexual activity.

But I also think the word has…

my partner and i play “bff, marry, airlock.” marriage, for us, includes lots and lots of sex, so that is the most desired of the three options. bff is someone who would be awesome to hang out with a lot in a totally platonic way. and then you have to put someone in the airlock (hopefully they’ll get rescued like cally and chief or be let in at the last second like jayne). the presumption is that these first two options are entirely consensual, and if possible, involve the two of us and the famous person/character in a threesome.

i have yet to find a problem (not between blood relatives) that cannot be solved by a threesome.

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    my partner and i play “bff, marry, airlock.” marriage, for us, includes lots and lots of sex, so that is the most...
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