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sorry this is random, but I've always looked up to you- through anything. Life especially. Any advice dealing with heartbreak? left for another girl... first loves, 3 years together... I've dated other guys while he hasn't been with anybody except me.

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Thank you <3 Fate will bring you to who you are supposed to be with. In the mean time, this is your time to reflect and heal. I’m sorry to hear what happened, but it really is a blessing in disguise. You may not see it, you may feel the pain will never end, but I’m telling you now that everything happens for a reason.

Never let a man validate your worth, you define your own. Don’t worry about getting back or getting even, don’t give him that satisfaction that you’re still trying to get to him in any way, shape or form. Forgive him, but don’t ever forget the lesson he has taught you: don’t settle for less than what you deserve.

I’m sure you are a young girl who has so much to offer to the world. How would I know that? I don’t know you, but what I do know is that you have a beating heart and a purpose that could help you become a better person. Don’t let that go to waste. Don’t waste negative energy on those who had the audacity to hurt you but change it to positive energy.

Go out & venture. There’s a whole world waiting for you, babe :)

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