Really angry. Here comes the angst…

I’m sick of other people telling me what’s best for me. They don’t even have a clue. Yes, my family has always “known” me (for the times that they were actually present), but they don’t even know about half the shit that’s happened in my life. 

Stop telling me what I should or shouldn’t do. Stop telling me who I should or shouldn’t be around. I’m not doing anything wrong, I’m not hurting anyone, and they don’t even have a full picture of ANYTHING. 

Why is it that people who like to give unwarranted advice are always the ones who speak the fucking LOUDEST? The more judgmental they are, the more it pushes me away. 

I need to get the fuck out of Fairfax.

  • 3 notes
  • 9 years ago
  • Sep 17,2014
    1. wookieebro said: You do you, dude. You’re not hurting anyone else as far as I can tell so as long as it makes you happy, you’re good.
    2. thecolorfulescape posted this