“ kennyvee:
“ liberalsarecool:
“ ppaction:
Republicans talking shit AGAIN. This @GOP tweet is the literal opposite of what they believe, campaign, and how they vote.
They know that no matter how outrageously they lie, their base...






Republicans talking shit AGAIN. This @GOP tweet is the literal opposite of what they believe, campaign, and how they vote.

They know that no matter how outrageously they lie, their base will still believe them.

I reblogged this a couple weeks ago, but I’m reblogging it again because after sending that tweet out on September 1st, Republicans blocked equal pay (yet again) just two weeks later.

posted 9 years ago with 35,447 notes
originally ppaction
Posted on September 19th at 9:01 PM
Reblogged from: thingssheloves-deactivated20151
Originally posted by: ppaction
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