August 17, 2012

Man who left dog on Colorado mountain faces animal cruelty charge

A man who left his dog at the summit of Mount Bierstadt in Colorado will face animal cruelty charges.

The charge was filed after the Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office completed an investigation into the “abandoned and injured” dog found on the Colorado fourteener earlier this month. 

A group of volunteers rescued the dog, a German shepherd, who was spotted wandering at an elevation of about 13,000 feet. She was carried off the mountain on Monday.

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  4. fruitsnutsflakes reblogged this from denverpost-blog and added:
    Just sad and wrong on so many levels.
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  6. jen-writ reblogged this from denverpost-blog and added:
    Poor puppy!!! D: I couldn’t imagine doing that to my dog. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. Call me a bleeding...
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  8. iamjustjeff reblogged this from denverpost-blog and added:
    Whoa. Who in the heck? How awful of a human are you?!
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  11. bobbycaputo reblogged this from denverpost-blog and added:
    Who the hell does that?!
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