


“Getting the word racist put on me sucked,” she says. “And it’s hurtful for other people to have to hear it (she nods in the direction of the boyfriend, who is buttering a crumpet). And it is hurtful for other people’s families to have to hear it. I think people seriously need to rethink that word. We are very liberal in flinging it around and it is pretty fucking heavy.” - Iggy Azalea, June 2014

You know what’s hurtful? Racism. Saying prejudiced things about various races and ethnicities repeatedly and laughing it off can be hurtful. Instead of apologizing, Iggy blames those who are offended for being offended. She hasn’t changed at all. 

Quick note: I’m still not deleting this blog. If you’re mad about it, butter a crumpet. 

being called racist is “heavier” than the reality of actual racism. amazing

She’s one of those people that thinks because she beds a black man that she’s not racist. 


(via mercuryphoenix)