September 23, 2014
I don’t know if I’ll ever get past standing in place.

What ever happened to just wanting to feel alive? It’s great to plan for forever, but I must admit that there was something to be said about experiencing the grainy, film like pictures with quotes about wandering.

I was asked a question earlier: what are my professional and personal goals? I don’t think the question was ever suppose to catch me off guard. In fact, I imagine it’s something we’ve all prepared to answer for far too long. To be where I want to be means I’ll have to work 100 hours a week and hopefully I’ll have had to be moving in the right direction this whole time. While writing, reading aloud, and re-writing my answer numerous times, at the bottom of it, I got this: I don’t want to have to separate it.

I want to be able to document the things I see. I want to see what no one else has yet. I want to discover trends. I want to venture into the unknown.

November is coming close. The job listings are on my desktop.

  1. danvo87 posted this