September 26, 2014
“ iammyfather:
“ thepoliticalhippie:
“ iammyfather:
“ Thank you Republicans. You said it and then proceeded to do everything you could to make it true.
seriously you are still on the blame all bad things on republicans...





Thank you Republicans.  You said it and then proceeded to do everything you could to make it true.

seriously you are still on the blame all bad things on republicans roll? really??

Benghazi:  Even The Republican chairman (Not Issa) could find any wrong doing.

VA:  Who voted against this?

Illegal Immigration:  Who sued the President for “Misusing” Exec Order, then demanded he use Exec orders to resolve it on his own?

Taliban Trade:  What was any different than has been done many times before? 

Iraq:  Seriously?

Fast and Furious: Started under Bush Admin.

Debt, Lowest Deficit since CLINTON.

Keystone:  The Koch Bros Money Machine.

Obamacare:  Sorry that Republicans hate medical care for people, suck it up.

At least come up with SOMETHING new.


(via reagan-was-a-horrible-president)

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    Look at all dem repubs
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    So we’re going to ignore Obama’s continuing support for Israel, his continuing policies of destabilization in the Middle...
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