Chase Whiteside debates James O'Keefe at Temple University
Chase Whiteside of NLM debates James O'Keefe of Project Veritas at Temple University about journalism ethics, and the difference between activism and journalism.

At just over an hour, it’s a long slog, but there are quality exchanges scattered throughout.

Audio and video were recorded by Temple University on October 19, 2011. There are some areas where video was not recorded; the unedited audio remains intact.

The full intro can be found on Tyler Gallery’s Vimeo page here:


  1. ymkate reblogged this from chasewhiteside
  2. jaredgeller reblogged this from chasewhiteside and added:
    A pretty great conversation. Check it out.
  3. chasewhiteside reblogged this from newleftmedia-blog and added:
    and with a paint-stripping hangover! James was very polite throughout despite some rather jerky audience questions, and...
  4. newleftmedia-blog posted this