August 29, 2014
“ princessbrat7:
“ field-notes-on-feminism:
“ worshiptheband:
“ wow im just going to leave this here
Dear packaging designers at Unilever,
the fuck is wrong with you??!?!?!?!
What the fuck was going through your heads that made you...





wow im just going to leave this here

Dear packaging designers at Unilever,
the fuck is wrong with you??!?!?!?!
What the fuck was going through your heads that made you think “yeah that’s a good idea” ?? What manager oversaw this and approved it ????

… The make skin whiting creams and market them directly at poc populated countries like why are y’all surprised?

Dude, yeah, skin whitening creams are huge in the east. But it’s not because of white people. It started from cultural values that held white skin to a pedestal because it was a status of high class and money. You know, cuz rich people didn’t have to go out and work in the hot sunny fields and sweat their hearts out. But having western media that glorifies light skin saturate the east is certainly magnifying and exacerbating it.

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