July 16, 2014














the most accurate post on tumblr



I think I’m doing this right…

dammit England, stop making us look bad D:

*goes back in time and convinces my mom to raise me in England*

this really makes me angry. My gf cries herself to sleep sometimes because college is too fucking expensive here in the states.

I’m 27 and I really want to go back to school and I can’t. It’s just too expensive for me to afford with the job I have. Here in the states, they don’t want you to succeed if you are poor. It’s easier to kick someone when they are down. I swear to God, I hate it here.

Bolding part of the above because it’s just oh so fucking true.

A huge part of the cause of this is the morbid fear of socialism in the US. Or anything vaguely remotely resembling socialism.

…is it in bad taste to mention that in Poland we’re studying for free in all public universities?

This is why I am hoping to go to grad school somewhere not in the US

also if you don’t get a job straight away once you leave university, you don’t have to pay anything back until you do, and when you do, you usually only pay about £30 a month towards your fees, and after 30 years, if your fees haven’t been fully paid off, they will be cancelled for good

welcome to the united kingdom folks uwu

(via sluttling)

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