With a brick in hand, your lipgloss smile, your scraped up knees. And if you stay, I would even wait all night, or until my heart explodes. How long? ‘Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm. You can runaway with me, anytime you want....

With a brick in hand, your lipgloss smile, your scraped up knees. And if you stay, I would even wait all night, or until my heart explodes. How long? ‘Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm. You can runaway with me, anytime you want. ❤
#MCRappreciationpost #summer2014 #summertime #chucktaylors #lyrics #edit #photography #hootnanny

9 years ago 1 note#summer2014 #lyrics #chucktaylors #mcrappreciationpost #edit #summertime #hootnanny #photography
  1. manicpixie-dreambitxh posted this