July 16, 2011
Goodbye, Columbus – Philip Roth (1959)

What's inside: summer, sex, New Jersey, the effects of the war, orthodox vs. reformed vs. nothing at all.

A sample: “I sat down on a wing chair, raising some dust. it had begun to rain outside, and we could smell the fall dampness coming through the vent that was outlined at the far end of the storeroom. Brenda got up from the floor and sat down on the sofa. Her knees and Bermudas were dirty and when she pushed her hair back she dirtied her forehead. There among the disarrangement and dirt I had the strange experience of seeing us, both of us, placed among disarrangement and dirt: we looked like a young couple who had just moved into a new apartment; we had suddenly taken stock of our furniture, finances, and future, and all we could feel any pleasure about was the clean smell of outside, which reminded us we were alive, but which, in a pinch, would not feed us” (48).

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