Magnetic Levitation - Making Frogs (and other things) Fly
There are a few ways of making things fly but none more awesome than levitation.The first two gifs show a magnet levitating on a super conductor, which has been immersed in liquid nitrogen... Magnetic Levitation - Making Frogs (and other things) Fly
There are a few ways of making things fly but none more awesome than levitation.The first two gifs show a magnet levitating on a super conductor, which has been immersed in liquid nitrogen... Magnetic Levitation - Making Frogs (and other things) Fly
There are a few ways of making things fly but none more awesome than levitation.The first two gifs show a magnet levitating on a super conductor, which has been immersed in liquid nitrogen... Magnetic Levitation - Making Frogs (and other things) Fly
There are a few ways of making things fly but none more awesome than levitation.The first two gifs show a magnet levitating on a super conductor, which has been immersed in liquid nitrogen... Magnetic Levitation - Making Frogs (and other things) Fly
There are a few ways of making things fly but none more awesome than levitation.The first two gifs show a magnet levitating on a super conductor, which has been immersed in liquid nitrogen...

Magnetic Levitation - Making Frogs (and other things) Fly

There are a few ways of making things fly but none more awesome than levitation.The first two gifs show a magnet levitating on a super conductor, which has been immersed in liquid nitrogen this repels the magnetic force. This repelling is stronger than the force of gravity and as long as temperature is retained it will carry on levitating (but not rotating as air friction eventually slows it)

The frog on the other hand is levitating by being surrounded inside a huge magnet about 100 to 1000 times larger than normal magnets. By being exposed to this huge magnetic field the atoms within the frog behave like small magnets creating their own poles and as a consequence floating. Pretty much anything can do this including water watch videos on making things levitate here.

Sources: YBCO & High Field Magnet Laboratory

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