We Want You, Engineer Folk!


We’re looking for a software engineer (not of the Tokyo Gore Police variety) that loves telling interactive stories and building awesome products. Most importantly we’re looking for someone who’s crazy enough to believe they can change the world.

We are Dobot! We’re building products for passionate people (including ourselves). Dobot has designed products for several YCombinator, Techcrunch, and Betaspring companies, as well as illustrated stories and posters for Archaia, Boom Studios, Treehouse Brand Stores (Bioware), Entertainment Weekly, and more. We’re currently creating our own interactive web comic, self titled “Dobot”, which could benefit greatly from your experience and craftsmanship.

We’re aiming for someone who can program in any of the following (we’re somewhat agnostic here): Ruby, Python, JavaScript, iOS would be cool too. We’re not expecting you to be fluent in all of them, but we’d love someone who can kick ass in a few. We’re currently writing our sites using node.js via docpad.org, but we’re all ears when it comes to the stack (we are designers, not developers, after all). If your front-end skills are up to steam, that’s a mega bonus.

Are you interested in joining a small design consultancy & product company? If so, hit us up! If not, how about you give us a hand and repost this to your buddies who might be interested.


Steven & Logan

6engineering, jobs, internet, design, comics, programming, dobot, web-design, art,