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ademska replied to your post:

i love this and it will be so fun but i hope you’re not still feeling bullied by that person, because that’s just what they are: a bully.

ah baby, thank you.

i’m feeling bullied by my own continued idiocy.

all we do is internalize everything. what’s so dumb is how SO NOT ABOUT ME this is. and how hurt REAL PEOPLE are by stuff that goes on here.

nomalevember was a poor way to describe something that’s supposed to be good for me to try and achieve…for some perspective.

the last thing i’d ever want to do is hurt anyone the way some people seem intent on doing.

and i should keep this in mind, keep my head down and my ears open, instead of acting on the rawest feeling i have.  which is what got me into trouble in the first place, i guess.


  1. sometimescoherent said: I still don’t see why you have to apologize at all to some MRA asshat. I support the idea in any case :)
  2. kinneas said: oh no what omg call it whatever you like! i just wanted you to know that the way society has shaped you is no one’s business but yours, and you’re one of the most respectful and thoughtful people i know so you NEVER do anyone harm.
  3. missl0nelyhearts posted this