April 23, 2014

liverxlips-deactivated20230703 asked: Yeah, I found the quote shortly after I saw your post. I'm feeling pretty let down by this. I strongly preferred the way romance worked in DA2 and I don't get why they would spoil a good thing? Like, they pride themselves on providing options for non-het romance and good roles for women and whatever but this sounds weak as fuck. I might be biased bc I am bisexual but I just don't see why they would exclude their players like that.

Like I said: neckbeards.

A lot of your dudely gamer losers flipped their shit at DA2. Absolutely flipped. their. shit.

They made angry youtube videos about how angry they were that Anders flirted with them that one time, and then poked holes at everything they could possibly think of to poke at, because how dare a game take players into account that aren’t exactly like them?

So taking things backwards like this is basically a big shiny present for angry neckbeards to convince them to play nice when the game comes out. Meanwhile they assume that all the people who like the things they have done in the past for non-het romances and/or the occassional acknowledgement that women play games will stick with them no matter what they do, so they don’t have to keep us happy.

That is my guess, anyway. 

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