July 22, 2014

at-firstblush replied to your post: the fenbela tag has had a “1” next to …

that is the worst. rarely updated tags are so hard :( i follow sebris but it has been dead for 200000000000000000000 years.

That’s also on my track list, and man, it updates even less frequently than fenabela these days. :(

The Zevris tag too. It livens up every now and again, but by that I mean it might get 2 or 3 posts in the same week before going back to nothing.

I need to get into a popular pairing someday. Just imagine having drawings and fic all the time! *sigh*

  1. fragilespark said: haha I shouldn’t talk either, every now and then I’m like ALL THE SEBRIS yes I will have all the ideas then… months go by. I miss them!
  2. dreadwulf-dragonage posted this