October 29, 2012
ooc; just letting yall know that i AM ALIVE

i did go in for emergency dental surgery a couple weeks ago and although it’s definitely helped to have those demon teeth out, recovery has been something of an absolute nightmare i’m sad to say

i got dry sockets after the first week which was agony and misery. they’ve closed up pretty quickly, all things considered though, and the pain is significantly less than it was. but i AM still in pain. and i was also on some really heavy medication for the last few weeks, so i missed a great deal of school.

as such, until i know what my standings are in all of my classes and until i get everything sorted out and caught up and stuff I still can’t be on much ))))8 i’m a scholarship student, so if i fail a class or lose even a single scholarship i’m done. i can’t add on an extra semester at the end of my 4 years or anything. i just can’t. so life is really fucking stressful for me right now. 

i’m really sorry. I MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH and i still have role play drafts saved that i can’t write responses to yet ;____; i’ll be back as soon as i’m able <33

  1. chance-at-redemption-blog reblogged this from starkstronghold-blog and added:
    ooc; reblogging from my main because I realized I NEVER GAVE ANYONE HERE ANY WARNING ABOUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING I"M SORRY...
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