May 27, 2013
A Jedi’s weapons

Samurai carried a number of blades with them in feudal japan. As a serious programer I have a primary blade….my laptop. A secondary blade….multiple backup systems. And now the ability to focus while on the attack….the cone of silence.

I code to survive … one of the things I’ve found that works for me is travelling across Chicago’s cafe’s during a coding mission. To that end I’ve been challenged with the random disturbances that take place in these places….as a coder I can’t afford to be distracted by the noise generated around me.

Recently I purchased, at great need (and cost), a pair of Bose Noise canceling headphones. My god…they are awesome.

It’s like having my own personal cone of silence…chattering girlfriends = done, That guy on his cell phone = done.

For a programer, these are not a luxury….they are a requirement.

I hear nothing….and it…is….wonderful.