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Virtua Fighter 3tb fever is sweeping Tokyo again 17 years after it’s original release, a true testament to its brilliant design that few Westerners understand as it was just too far ahead of its time. I spent some time with some old heads earlier this week such as Kyasao, Chibita, Koedo, Skeleton, SHU, and many others. A new world tournament for the game will be held on September 14th at Mikado and will be streamed.

  1. tosheeto-blog reblogged this from winnerstaysloserpays and added:
    So beautiful.
  2. corrnata reblogged this from shoutime
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  6. winnerstaysloserpays reblogged this from 2am-rgb and added:
    I’ll be sure to! I will say, it’s a shame VF3 had a weird console release the way it did. From what I’ve read, AM2 were...
  7. 2am-rgb reblogged this from winnerstaysloserpays and added:
    Many fans mourn the way that the VF4 series abandoned 3’s innovations. Movement was more restricted in 4, and the stages...
  8. shoutime posted this