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how the hell did we get the idea pink isn’t a cool colour

because scientifically speaking pink doesn’t even exist; it fits between violet and red on the spectrum but actually what goes there is infrared and ultraviolet and all those things we can’t see

pink is the ambassador of an otherworldly and unknowable realm it is the most badass colour out there


Pink doesn’t exist in the same way beige doesn’t exist. 



Just because it isn’t in a rainbow doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. 

That doesn’t invalidate your point, though, just your words. Pink used to be the colour of MEN, in the patriarchal Here-To-Kill-Your-Monstah sense. 

From Wikipedia:

In 19th century England, pink ribbons or decorations were often worn by young boys; boys were simply considered small men, and while men in England wore red uniforms, boys wore pink. […] Queen Victoria was painted in 1850 with her seventh child and third son, Prince Arthur, who wore white and pink.

In the 20th century, pinks became bolder, brighter and more assertive, in part because of the invention of chemical dyes which did not fade. […]

In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, inmates of concentration camps who were accused of homosexuality were forced to wear a pink triangle.[13] Because of this, the pink triangle has become a symbol of the modern gay rights movement.[citation needed]

The transition to pink as a sexually differentiating color for girls occurred gradually, through the selective process of the marketplace, in the 1930s and 40s. In the 1920s, some groups had actually been describing pink as a masculine color, an equivalent of the red that was considered to be for men, but lighter for boys. But stores nonetheless found that people were increasingly choosing to buy pink for girls, and blue for boys, until this became an accepted norm in the 1940s.

In fact, a detailed history of the colour and the history of its social and political transformation are in allegorical form in the song “Pink” by Aerosmith[7a].

[7a] This is, in fact, a lie.

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