Robert Plant’s birthday… today or yesterday? It must have been, I thought, cause I have the urge to listen Led Zeppelin since yesterday… hah, even yesterday I had mistaken a song as Plant’s (when it was actually the other Robert’s (Palmer).

Anyway, my first memory about Led Zeppelin (after Ify – the biggest Led Zeppelin fan I’ve ever known… seriously, he must have been, since he loved listening to Led Zeppelin early in the morning (like those murderous hours - six o'clock in the morning or earlier) – and I took different paths in life)… was at an open air concert, when an unknown singer belted his voice, singing “Black Dog”. Standing beside me was somebody I knew, and he’s like… living and breathing for the Pet Shop Boys …. and suddenly he screamed: “BLACK DOG!”. I normally couldn’t stand him, but for that day, we were like best of friends. Especially when he danced like crazy to “Rock ‘n Roll”.

So I’ve been listening to Led Zeppelin this morning. For Robert. For Ify. And for that Pet Shop Boys’ boy. Who knows, I might dance like crazy to “Rock 'n Roll” today.

*Happy - belated- Birthday, Robert!*

robert plant led zeppelin

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