POC ZINE PROJECT — Hello POC Zine Project! First up, I want to say...
Hello POC Zine Project! First up, I want to say keep up the excellent work: I've been able to find really inspiring zines here that I can really relate to (and that's been motivating my own projects). And so, I was wondering if you could please reblog my call for submissions to signal boost? I want to make a zine about Singaporean creatives residing overseas: Tumblr won't let me link to it here, but it's the latest post on my blog. Thanks! — Asked by endless-inside-blog

Hi Eden Nova! Thank you so much for your kind words. We can definitely help you signal boost your call for submissions:


From Eden Nova:

After receiving a message from a friend of mine who’s also based in North America and also an artist, I’ve realized that there seems to be elements of a shared experience to being a Singaporean living overseas engaged in creative work. So, naturally, I decided it would be awesome to make a zine project out of this!

I’ve been living in New York City for almost three years now and have had to make so many difficult adjustments. Spending your entire life being raised in a corporate state where you lack the basic rights to freedom of expression and assembly and then suddenly gaining these rights almost overnight is kind of a trip. For me, my entire worldview and self-perception have changed. It’s been a very difficult but mind-expanding couple of years.

I’ve wanted to share some of my experiences because, when I lived in Singapore, I didn’t have any friends who’d done anything similar and who talked about how they changed. I feel like collecting these stories might be an excellent resource for those still living in Singapore and who might want to leave as well as those who’ve already made the move but feel alone in societies where most people have never really had to live without the right to free expression. This zine also might be interesting to others who aren’t specifically Singaporean, but who’ve had to navigate similar issues.

I’m particularly interested in focussing on Singapore-born and raised people who’ve moved to Western democracies: How has your creative practice changed? How did your worldview change? How do you see yourself now? What kind of personal work are you engaged in to change old habits and coping mechanisms that worked well in Singaporean society but not anymore?

Please send contributions (words and/or images) or questions to endlessinside@gmail.com. (And you can view my other zines here.)


imageI was born and raised in Singapore - an Orwellian island nation in Southeast Asia, where individuality and looking within are strictly prohibited. From my two-and-a-half decades spent there, I learned from firsthand experience and observation about the cultural mechanisms of control and manipulation through violence (physical, spiritual and emotional) that industrial civilization enacts upon humanity, rewarding our worst traits while destroying our best ones.

I came to New York City in 2010 to realize that most of what I observed and experienced in Singapore were global problems: problems of dominator culture that exist in American society and every other society I have visited. I am, however, incredibly grateful for the freedom of expression that I now enjoy in the United States and I have been hugely inspired by the rebellious, beautiful and free creative spirits I’ve encountered here.

As a species, I think many of us very much have it in us to move past our destructive adolescence and understand once more that we are part of a community of life. With my work, I hope to explore, experience and enact this understanding with others. And to muster up the strength and community necessary to get dominator culture to fuck off and stop bothering the rest of us, once and for all.

I am moved by the hidden power of the life principle, love, the wisdom of pain, our allies in the natural world and the oceanic complexity of the unconscious, dreaming mind.


Editor’s Note: We accept all calls for submissions from folks who identify as POC or (as white folks) have demonstrated that they are trustworthy allies through their ongoing efforts to empower POC. We do not review or accept calls for submissions from white folks who solely want to exploit this platform to gain a larger audience. Thanks.

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