Book 1.3333333…

I read one, with pages and chapters and everything!


Okay, not pages, swipes – but I’m outpacing last year’s #1 by at least three months, so LOOK OUT – somebody’s going to get blistering swiper-finger burn.

The first one I finished was not the first one I started, and for that there needs to be a condition named. See, I WANT to know how it ends. I even like the book and the characters. It’s just… I can only visit it in very small doses, when I’m really in the mood, and then only every few weeks or so. I’m contemplating spoiling it, just so I can sort of steel myself…

Maybe my judicious pacing is okay. And maybe I am a giant wimp (which could very well be the name of the “condition.”)


In the meantime, keeping with the Year of the Woman theme, I read Ophira Eisenberg’s Screw Everyone over a few days of WiFi outage.* I don’t think that’s a prerequisite, though it does help motivate the reading choice. There’s a vibrancy and a pulse to reading nonsense on your various timelines – an immediacy and a sense of interaction, that especially when you spend the day in the company of other languages (both Deutsch and Babbleish) – is enthralling.

But provided you’re in the headspace, books are slowly becoming a way to get there (again), too.

Especially since, to date, a book has never linked me to a BuzzFeed quiz.

*Perfectly entertaining, unapologetic, with a sort of LiveJournal-feel, if that makes any sense.