Actual good deeds are needed everywhere of course, but if I was a web designer, I would travel the countryside building and maintaining websites for small running clubs who host races. Of course that’s not their primary skill or concern – but... High-res

Actual good deeds are needed everywhere of course, but if I was a web designer, I would travel the countryside building and maintaining websites for small running clubs who host races. Of course that’s not their primary skill or concern – but sometimes half the challenge is figuring out when and where the starting line even is.

I think I’ve found one for tomorrow, and I think “wooden country run” means “no PRs will come this day.” And as for finding things on the web – I’m running it with the guy I stole foursquare mayorship of the gym from a year ago. We’ve never actually met, outside of an app.

I just hope my check-ins haven’t oversold my pace.