The Bro, the Bet, the End…

And so, it ends. The Bro’s month of veganism. Here’s his wrap up – allow me to direct your attention to that which made me snort: “big bag of hammered buttholes.” And, “beans and magic.” Proof, I’d think, that I didn’t ghostwrite a single sentence. And now, the Q & A…

Me: I am so delighted and proud you did this. Even though it was a bet, I love what a good sport you were about it – I have some questions:

Did you notice a difference in your energy/how you felt? What was the worst part of it? The best? What do you think you might continue? Was there an aspect of…having to think more about what you were eating that changed your ideas about food in any way? And CONGRATULATIONS.

The Bro: I am sort of proud of myself not going to lie. Today is in fact my last vegan day so no I am not going to continue the trend. In fact I am at work for a few hours and on my way home I am purchasing Burgerville so it will be waiting for the clock to strike midnight.

I haven’t noticed much of a change in energy but I also haven’t experienced the post meal tired feeling I have in the past. That’s probably because my body is fighting so hard to squeeze something useful out of that damn tofu.

The worst part was the first week. I didn’t know what to cook and I tried to use products that mimic the real thing. Worst mistake I made. I don’t care what it is (except boca burgers) every product that claims to taste like meat or sour cream etc. actually tastes like a big bag of hammered butt holes.

The best part of the whole experience was being able to create meals that were really edible if not good…if nothing else it will make me a better cook. The thing I might continue is the idea that you don’t have to have meat to make a meal but I would rather have it! (Ed. Love this. We will just call this, “success”.)

I suppose being vegan has taught me to be more mindful about what the body actually needs to survive…turns out you can live for a month on different variations of beans and magic. This whole vegan thing isn’t as bad as I once thought. It just isn’t for me.

Fair enough. But he did it. And I might not have created a vegan, but I might have created a blogger…