Blake Stratton • Official Site — New Album!

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New Album!

Hey everybody, I have BIG NEWS! 

I have a new album coming out soon! I wanted to tell you about it sooner, but I had to keep it under wraps because of my collaborator’s label. 

And who is that collaborator? I’m glad you asked. 

This is so exciting. It’s a dream come true for me. I am very honored to announce that my new album is a collaborative effort with none other than… R. Kelly!

We’re calling it The Bounce Bounce EP.image

It was such an honor to work with Mr. Kelly. What a class act! I was very nervous early on, I mean who was I to be working with such a legend??But R. was so encouraging through the whole process. He had a lot of fresh ideas that took my songwriting, and really my entire sound, to the next level. 

Although I can’t play it for you yet, I do have a sample from the EP for you. This is a clip from a song Kels and I wrote together called, “On Your Mind”

Yes, it’s a slight departure from my previous stuff. But I learned from Mr. Kelly that every artist has to stay on the edge, to always be looking over the next horizon of life’s soundscape. Or has he often put it, “Woo.”

I can’t wait to show you guys the rest of this project! Stay tuned for the official release date!


We don’t see nothing wrong with a lil’ thumbs up!