The PractitioNERD Wall of Nerdy Geekery

Prac-tit-ion-NERD: (n) 1. One of superior skills or intellect who practices something, especially an hobby, topic, occupation, profession, or technique, that does not conform to society's beliefs and trends, and who will make a radical change in the...
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Have ChooseMyPC Generate a PC Build within Your Budget!

ChooseMyPC Generates a Sample PC Build in Your BudgetWhen you’re building your PC for the very first time, it can be an overwhelming experience; mainly due to the wide variety of different components to choose from. Thankfully, to ease some of that confusion, the website ChooseMyPC can provide you a nice starting point by asking you a few questions, including whether or not you want to overclock, add a component drive, which operating system you…

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