“These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.
” artmesohard:
“These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.
” artmesohard:
“These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.
” artmesohard:
“These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.
” artmesohard:
“These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.
” artmesohard:
“These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.
” artmesohard:
“These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.


These little figures were created by artists Hoang Tran. Using Crayola crayons, the artist carved these figures of popular culture and melted wax for the different colors.

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