7 Months

Well you're giving us a solid 7 hours of sleep at night, you still want to be dream fed anywhere from 10:30-12:30. But then you'll sleep through to 6:30 no problem, you've been sleeping like this for a while now. We love some solid sleep.

You're dad and I sat on the porch of the house waiting for you to wake up from your nap, because we weren't about to wake you up just to bring you into the house, it was warm and we could hear you so we just enjoyed the scenery for a little while.

You had a couple really bad teething days this month, but still now teeth! I don't know when those little suckers are finally going to pop through but we're waiting for them. In the meantime I can't get enough of your gummy smile.

For the first time since you were born we left for the weekend without you. The funny part is I wasn't worried about leaving you at all, you were in good hands and your Oma stayed the night which I'm sure you enjoyed.

You're crawling like a pro and it's getting hard to keep up with you. We look away for a second and you pop up somewhere else in the room! Keeping us on our toes.

You went to your first wedding this month, your nanny Hannah got married!

Despite all my hard work and effort you decided that you were done breastfeeding, you just weren't interested anymore, this was very hard for me to transition from but in the end it all worked out because it meant I spent less time stressing about making enough milk and just got to spend more time with you. 

You had to say goodbye to your nanny but instead you got the best nanny that anyone could ask for, you're Oma! G-d worked it out so you could be watched by the second best person after your dad and I. Shortly after Oma started she taught you how to sound like a dolphin, which we just think is adorable. 

You met your sweet cousin Eliora for the first time, and loved to play with her shiny eyes.

It was a busy month!

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