May 20, 2013

I’ve been feeling like “The Kid” in Purple Rain; because people are not liking the sketches that I have been putting up. Which is totally fine by me. But on the other hand I know that if those same sketches were of fat girls more people would have liked them. But as an “artist” I feel like I need to mix it up sometimes so that I can grow. Really I’m not fishing for likes…I’m just making an observation. And that observation is…its not always how you draw…but what you draw.

7:34pm  |   URL:
Filed under: philosophy 
  1. cuddlyclover said: I’m pretty sure it’s ALWAYS what you draw. How you draw never matters, just that you draw, and people caring is usually pretty inward and “selfish”, showing most interest in only the things they care about.
  2. introvertedart posted this