New York City from Above - View from the Roosevelt Island Tram

As a photographer, I view life through my lens as if it is a cinematic sequence. Every action is a frame in a never-ending film that I am directing. It’s the challenge of selecting the still frame that resonates that keeps me shooting.

This photo was taken on the Roosevelt Island Tram in New York City. The Roosevelt Island Tram has been taking commuters from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island since the 1970s. It was completely renovated and modernized in 2010. Its highest point is 250 feet up in the air and it travels alongside the Queensboro Bridge above the East River. I have always referred to it lovingly as a slow amusement park ride in …continue reading here…

This is my weekly blog post to PDN’s Emerging Photographer’s Blog.




View large: “New York City Skyscrapers and the Roosevelt Island Tram at Dusk” in my photography portfolio here, Gear List, Travel Blog, email me, or ask for help.

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