Balloons on East 4th Street. East Village, New York City.

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East 4th Street in the East Village is not only the home to the most cheerful and colorful copy shop I have seen in downtown Manhattan (shown here in this post) but it is also one of three official arts districts in all of New York City. This designation is largely due to the diligent efforts of the Fourth Arts Block organization (also known as FAB). From their site:

“Before Broadway was "Broadway,” the Theater District was on the Lower East Side. Straddling the Vaudeville and Yiddish theaters of 2nd Avenue and the dance halls and saloons of the Bowery, E. 4th has literally been at the center of New York City arts & culture since the early 19th century. Today East 4th Street between 2nd Ave and Bowery is home to more than a dozen arts groups, 12 theaters, 8 dance & rehearsal studios, 3 film editing suites and 1 screening room. Due to FAB’s activism, in October 2005, the City sold the block’s arts tenants 8 properties for $8 and designated it a Cultural District - one of only three official arts districts in the City.“ Source

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