Winter in Tompkins Square Park. East Village, New York City.

The clouds squeeze the last bit of light from the sun onto the city below.

It falls over trees and buildings: liquid promise spreading onto a landscape de-saturated by winter’s icy breath.

In the wake of winter’s gasping utterances, the sun uncovers the world that hides behind boisterous trees in summer.

And a smile spreads across the city’s face for a moment: warm and golden hope spreading itself over the remains of the day.

I have been going through older photos taken back when it snowed with great conviction two winters ago. This was taken in Tompkins Square Park in the East Village the morning after a blizzard.

In case you missed it, I posted a video this past weekend of me talking about photography and New York City. If you ever wondered what it is like to see me talk about these sorts of things, you can view the video here:

Art:Seen: Vivienne Gucwa

View this photo larger and on black on my Google Plus page

Buy “New York Winter - Tompkins Square Park - East Village” Prints here, email me, or ask for help.

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  12. desolation-rose reblogged this from bootheels33 and added:
    I can’t get over the “taken after the blizzard” thing. That’s only like six inches, that’s just a little over a dusting!
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