New York City in the rain. Flatiron District, Midtown.

There is an inherent romance that buzzes through the air in New York City when it rains.

The Flatiron District is one of my favorite areas in Manhattan when it rains. The street (5th Avenue) opens up to reveal distant skyscrapers that disappear into heavy fog as people weave their way through the multitudes of umbrellas.

The clock in this image is the Fifth Avenue Building Clock (a close-up image and its history is in this post) which is a New York City landmark and recalls another era: one where these ornamental clocks played a role in attracting people to gilded era storefronts. This vantage point is with the Flatiron Building directly in back of the viewer looking up 5th Avenue.

I have had quite a few requests that I add some of my New York City mobile photography to my online store and portfolio since people are looking to buy holiday gifts. This is the first of one of those requests. It was taken with my phone and has been lovingly added (link below!).

View this photo larger and on black on my Google Plus page

Buy “New York City - Rain” Prints here, email me, or ask for help.

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  16. ohheyitslivia reblogged this from sidebmagazine and added:
    It is beautiful, cept when it’s 35 degrees and you have to walk 11 blocks to and from work/ the train station in it,...
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  18. sidebmagazine reblogged this from nythroughthelens and added:
    This is absolutely gorgeous! I need this hanging on my wall
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