Common Lisp Tips — A little bit of file-position

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A little bit of file-position

When used with one argument, file-position returns an integer representing the stream’s file position:

* (defvar *s* (open "data.bin" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
=> *S*

* (read-byte *s*)
=> 42

* (read-byte *s*)
=> 107

* (file-position *s*)
=> 2

When used with two arguments, file-position sets the stream position:

* (file-position *s* 1)
=> T

* (read-byte *s*)
=> 107

When used this way, the position is often given as an integer, but the function actually accepts a designator. An integer position value represents itself, the keyword :start represents 0 (the first position in the stream), and the keyword :end represents the last position in the stream.

What would life be like without :start and :end? For :start, not too difficult; you could just use 0. But without :end you would need to use some other function, such as file-length, to correctly position the stream at the end.