Common Lisp Tips — Literal syntax for integers

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Literal syntax for integers

There are several ways to write literal integers with different radixes in Common Lisp. #b… is for binary, #o… is for octal, #x… is for hexadecimal, and #r is for an arbitrary radix from 2 to 36. Section has this example:

#2r11010101  ;Another way of writing 213 decimal  
#b11010101   ;Ditto                               
#b+11010101  ;Ditto                               
#o325        ;Ditto, in octal radix               
#xD5         ;Ditto, in hexadecimal radix         
#16r+D5      ;Ditto                               
#o-300       ;Decimal -192, written in base 8     
#3r-21010    ;Same thing in base 3                
#25R-7H      ;Same thing in base 25               
#xACCEDED    ;181202413, in hexadecimal radix