
finally saw this movie. amazed that no one spoiled it for me in all this time. i read somewhere that Sofia Coppola kind of wrote Lost In Translation about her marriage with Spike Jonze and it’s interesting because Her felt like an answer to, or a companion film to L.I.T.. they both felt very similar and made me feel the same way, even through to Scarlett’s acting. 

Her was very beautiful and very moving and thought provoking but i thought i would cry, but i didn’t. i cry in films quite a bit but not here. maybe because i actually thought it was going to end with Theodore and Amy’s double suicide from jumping off the roof. didn’t Joaquin just look so sublime and full of life in the film, even when he was sad? but in that last scene, he looked so worn and sober, it was shocking. 

you know in In To The Wild where basically the last thing Alexander Supertramp says/realizes is: “Happiness only real when shared”…. isn’t that what Theodore knows/lives/practices? like, w/r/t intimacy and shared experience/lives he truly shared something with Samantha, however much from the outside or whatever it seemed insane, or whatever. I have this same kind of gut feeling myself when i think about my life, and i wonder if i’d want more friends, etc, and i maybe really believe that my own consciousness is more than enough to sustain my happiness, much the same way that Theo’s OS that he essentially created  from his own was more than enough, but maybe i’m not explaining my thought fully. i’ve been spending time with someone, and it’s really something, to finally share, for however long it lasts for however big it does or does not grow, but it’s terrifying, too, because you feel like you’re always on the edge of a building at sunrise. 

42 notes


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  4. blue-raft-ona-blue-sea-blog said: That last sentence you wrote is fucking perfect.
  5. letitunfold said: I thought they were going to jump too. I cried. This was a film that you could feel every emotion through. He was such a wonderful character. Someone that everyone can relate to.
  6. cancerninja said: Beautiful
  7. heymikewaskom posted this

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