Study Cube
Study Cube is a small wooden cubicle that accommodates just one person. It’s function is to help people concentrate while they study by getting rid of all the noises and distractions that normally surround them.
Important Note: Yes, I...
Study Cube
Study Cube is a small wooden cubicle that accommodates just one person. It’s function is to help people concentrate while they study by getting rid of all the noises and distractions that normally surround them.
Important Note: Yes, I...

Study Cube

Study Cube is a small wooden cubicle that accommodates just one person. It’s function is to help people concentrate while they study by getting rid of all the noises and distractions that normally surround them.

Important Note: Yes, I agree it’s not a cube, but Study Rectangular Prism just sounded wrong.

6design, furniture, interiors,