20 10 / 2014

"Sometimes this really seems to shock people. They appear genuinely upset when I say ‘this conversation is over’ or ‘I’m actually not interested in debating this with you.’ There’s an expectation that if you care about social justice and political issues, you’re always ‘on.’ You’re always ready to debate, you’re always ready to have theoretical discussions about your own lived experiences and the issues you care about, you’re always ready to defend yourself. That’s manifestly ridiculous and unjust, an expectation that’s simply not reasonable."

Sometimes, I Just Don’t Have Time for Individual Fights | this ain’t livin’ (via brutereason)

Setting boundaries/self preservation <3

(via bitterglitterqueer)

“I don’t want to talk about this with you,” is a surefire way to cause aneurysms too.

(via eshusplayground)

I’ve broken this out a couple times and each time the person has refused to stop talking about it. They talk at me until i respond.

(via blackfemalescientist)

(via wretchedoftheearth)

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