Is 30% focus on innovation enough to keep you #1?

The only good thing about not being able to go to the Web 2.0 Summit this year is watching its live stream (or rather archived sessions for the ones who are busy during the day).

Before breakfast today I watched Mark Pincus presentation. The bigger Zynga gets the further from innovation they seem to move. No announcements, boredom. Of 1,300 employees, 400 are working on “new IP”, so roughly 30% of the company is dedicated to innovation (if that’s what they mean by new IP). While there’s a lot of cloning still going on from latecomers it’s important to realize that there are probably 100’s, if not 1000’s of gaming startups that are dedicating 100% (not 30%) of their resources on innovation. And Zynga is probably waiting for that with a big check, so next year they have more boring numbers to show.

Watch live streaming video from web20tv at

zynga innovation social games w2s