Harry Keefe

Family care physician | Pueblo, Colorado

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The AAFP and CAFP: Holding Family Physicians to High Standards

Dr. Harry Keefe is a member of the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). The CAFP is a chapter of the AAFP, which was founded in 1947 as a means of ensuring a high national standard for family physicians. To maintain membership in the AAFP, members must complete 150 hours of continuing education over a three-year period, a standard Dr. Harry Keefe has obviously upheld.

Beyond advocating quality assurance within the field, the AAFP seeks to promote the values of family practice, which, unlike other forms of general practice, specializes in patients of all ages. The AAFP also seeks to educate patients in health care matters and provide health care in an accessible and cost-efficient manner.

In addition to his membership in both organizations, Dr. Harry Keefe works as a family physician through his own practice and at Parkview Hospital and Saint Mary Corwin Hospital, both in Pueblo, Colorado.

Filed under Dr. Harry Keefe Colorado Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP) American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)