
Let me get real with you all for a second here

YouTube is a free service so I shouldn’t complain yadda yadda the subscription boxes have been broken forever bla bla bla.

My views & comments have been in decline over the past while, and this month is no exception - possibly because I’m posting way too much, possibly because it’s exams/holidays, possibly because I’m not ~engaging enough, possibly because of the Google+ integration, possibly because my content is just not good or interesting anymore. But it certainly doesn’t help that those who want to see my videos don’t know when they’re online. The sub box and the YouTube algorithms are not doing me any favours.

I used to be afraid of posting about a new video anywhere else (Facebook, Twitter) multiple times. And then I gave up and realized that we have to post/tweet the crap out of our stuff to ensure that the people who want to see our videos will know that they exist. 

Now Facebook is now limiting the number of people who see my posts, because I’ve been posting too much. Tweets last for a couple seconds and then get buried. You can only reblog yourself on Tumblr so many times.

It’s super annoying, and I hate it. I want you to know that I hate having to constantly shove my content in your face.

So: I’m posting Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun in December, and then I’m disappearing for a while. My channel is gunnarolla. I’d love for you to see my stuff. I’d love to get to 100K subscribers - the irony, of course, is that not all of these videos will actually reach your sub box. But it’s one of the last things I have left to accomplish before I fly into the sun and back into the world of traditional employment.

Check back on Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun. I am so grateful for those of you that have stuck around and have been watching, ‘liking’, commenting, and sharing. I am trying so hard to maintain the balance between what I want to do and what I have to do. I’m not discouraged and I’m not going to stop, but this technology is broken and it won’t ever be fixed in my favour because I refuse to become someone that I am not just for the sake of having clickable, shareable content so I’m telling you:




We meet again...

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