emjA Fine Art

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I have enough trouble being creative while also working a day job– and I’m not published and famous!


“Even after he published, Prufrock and The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot continued to work his day job at a bank.” Great article about why Eliot chose to keep working, even after all his friends basically Kickstartered him and tried to get him to quit. “…nobody wants to think about the poet at the water cooler, or, even worse, pouring over actuarial tables.”

(via austinkleon)


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    I have enough trouble being creative while also working a day job– and I’m not published and famous!
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  6. redpenandleopardprint-blog reblogged this from austinkleon and added:
    Even T.S. Eliot kept a day job. If you’re a writer, you should too. It can even be good for your writing. This article’s...
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    This is really interesting. I’ve thought about how to be a writer and sustain a living as well and be satisfied with...
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