January 24, 2013
Rebecca - Fashion Designer - Cleveland Heights Ohio
The place I always eat:
Tommy’s on Coventry.
It’s been around since 1972, when Cleveland was really vibrant and full of hippies. The best milkshake on the planet.
Where to stay for the...

Rebecca - Fashion Designer -  Cleveland Heights Ohio

The place I always eat:

Tommy’s on Coventry.

It’s been around since 1972, when Cleveland was really vibrant and full of hippies. The best milkshake on the planet.

Where to stay for the night:

There’s this really beautiful old weird hotel called The Alcazar, my mom used to take me there for tea when I was little. 

The one place I take everyone:

The Cleveland Museum of Art, still one of my favorite art museums to this day.

Best local product you should try:

I have no idea, but if you want to find some cool antiques, stop by my dad’s house on Hampshire Road, he collects them. Also, the thrift stores are pretty amazing, Unique Thrift!

The 2nd best kept secret:

The Cleveland Institute of Art is still, I believe, one of the best art schools. Cleveland doesn’t always get a lot of respect these days, but at one time in the the late 70’s an early to mid 80’s it was sorta more booming with art and music. There’s some good bands that came out of Cleveland and also, there used to be this amazing street fair when I was little, called the Coventry Street Fair. Take a walk down Coventry and try to envision it. 

The photo attached is in my dad’s house.