1. I’m so stressed out.

    I hate our pediatrician. She’s really demeaning and she doesn’t notice. She’s giving us a hard time about Ted not consuming dairy. Telling us his belly isn’t big enough to eat enough food to meet the amount of calcium he should be getting. Asking her questions is so pointless.

    And then there’s Charlie’s nursing habits. He sleeps for 2 ½ hours, wakes up, nurses 5 freaking minutes, and then isn’t interested in the boob. Ten minutes later, he’s got his mouth on his hands and is rooting. So I nurse him again. Another 5 minutes. This happens 3-5 times between long naps. I don’t remember Ted doing this… I’m sure it has to do with his newborn tummy still being tiny, but jeez… Ted nursed ferociously when he was tiny.

    And to top it all off, the hubby works all day and I have no one around to help. So I’m alone with the newborn and the energetic, needy 19 month old from 9:30-6. I gave birth 8 days ago and I’m still healing physically, not to mention the hormonal issues… This is so hard.


  1. littlehootx3 said: If you ever need to vent you can definitely come to me. I know exactly how it feels. It’s so hard, but it’s finally getting easier. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I promise! ❤️
  2. mumblrandson posted this