December 14, 2011

Don’t you worry, my faithful readers, I haven’t forgotten about you! Truthfully I DID forget about you for a week or two but thats neither here nor there…. I’m back again and ready to partAy (party with an extra A because I’m that excited).

Lately I’ve been busy working and babysitting while drinking lots of coffee because apparently my body ain’t what it used to be. Gross. I sound like someone’s depressed 38 yr old single cat-lady aunt. Forget I said that.
ANYWAYS, this last month has been really interesting… but boring at the same time. I’m being constantly reminded that the Lord never does what we expect of Him regardless of how we feel about the situation. He’s always pulling tricks out of His sleeves and they always seem to turn out better than anything I could ever personally plan. Imagine that. So I’m counting on that “better than anything I could ever personally plan” plan right now. TRUSTING. yowza.

Has anyone ever moved somewhere relatively unknown to them and thought “But how will I ever find friends as funny and weird as mine?? I’m sure there are no weirdos like me in _____, how am I going to be myself and make friends??” No? Just me? Okay. Well, thats currently how I’m feeling. Honestly, really, are weird funny girls who like bread, making ugly faces in the mirror, sweatpants, Nintendo Wii, and love the Lord in California? Well if not… there will be at least one as of February 1st (myself… in case you missed it)!
I know I’m overreacting, because really, did I ever expect to find my missing sisters when I moved to Texas 4.5 years ago? I definitely did not. So I’m sure Cali has some unexpected surprises for me. Since October I’ve been telling myself “Mary, the next year of your life is going to be super hard. Prepare yourself for lots of tears, money-less pockets, Skype sessions with your friends, and lots of alone time.” And while I was just trying to prepare myself for what I thought was to come, I was basically declaring a depressing year for myself… which results in a depressing year. My words are stronger than I realize and I’ve come to understand that speaking goodness and life over MY life will bring forth GOOD fruit. If I believe the “best is yet to come” and strive for it, it will!

I’m now believing that when I move to California… whenever that may be… the Lord will have everything fall into place because He has gone before me and ordered my ways.

HEYO!! Thats it for today guys, I have to babysit for some fun kids. I’ve had three cups of coffee today so maybe THEY’LL be babysitting ME. Just kidding.

You’re a star. Cidus Lipeedus! (My attempt at Zenon humor)


4:03pm  |   URL:
Filed under: California Zenon Wii Skype God 
  1. maryadodd posted this