December 22, 2011

Welcome to my first post from my iPhone. Sorry for any spelling and punctuation errors that may occur with this post, these keyboards can be tricky.

Since last Saturday I have spent every day at the mall. No, not shopping, you know I don’t have any money! I’ve been selling gift cards. Sitting at a table, for hours, selling gift cards. This is my job. Until Christmas Eve anyways. It’s not exciting, it’s really boring, but I’m grateful. Even though I feel like I’m going crazy. I’m making money and that’s a good thing.

I’m in a surprisingly good mood today, I think because I spent my morning watching Late Night and I purchased Jimmy Fallon’s new Wake Up Call app, which was a worthy investment.

I’ll write a longer post in the near future detailing all of the amazing people I’ve watched during my time at the mall that will make you loose your mind with excitement.

Side note: to all those guys complaining about girls wearing leggings for pants, we know you’re just jealous because it will never be acceptable for you to wear leggings. Pants/jeans are some of the worst things ever invented and leggings are from Gods own hand. If you knew how comfortable these fake-pants were you would back off. I just know it. But girls everywhere need to be aware of the unwritten rule of leggings:

1.) Always wear a shirt long enough to cover your buttcheeks when wearing leggings.

I’ve seen lots of uncovered legging butts here at the mall and I have to say, not pretty. Too much.

Until next time, happy few days before Christmas everyone!