Y V A r c a d e — Swiss Army Man (dirs. Daniel Scheinert & Daniel...
Swiss Army Man (dirs. Daniel Scheinert & Daniel Kwan).
“The film works when it does based on the sheer talent of [Paul] Dano, [Daniel] Radcliffe, and the Daniels. Swiss Army Man more than justifies its offbeat existence but never quite meets its...

Swiss Army Man (dirs. Daniel Scheinert & Daniel Kwan).

The film works when it does based on the sheer talent of [Paul] Dano, [Daniel] Radcliffe, and the Daniels. Swiss Army Man more than justifies its offbeat existence but never quite meets its lofty narrative ambitions and visual goals as it barrels towards an impossible ending. However, the film’s very last line perfectly summarizes your reaction to the entirety of what you’ve just finished watching.

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